7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply for a Remote Job

Are you thinking about applying for a remote job? If so, it's essential to ask yourself some questions first. Is working from home right for me? Will I be more productive if I'm not in an office environment? Will I be less productive if I'm not in an office environment? There are many pros and cons to consider before deciding to work remotely.

Many people today are enamored with working remotely, and it's easy to see why. With so many benefits to remote work, such as increased flexibility, greater autonomy, and more opportunities for collaboration, it's no wonder that so many workers are turning to this type of employment. Whether you're looking for a new job or want to switch to a remote role within your current company, there are plenty of reasons to consider switching to remote work. Before you leap, ask yourself these seven questions.

1. How comfortable am I working independently?

Working remotely often means that you will be more or less on your own, without the support of a team or manager. If you need help with self-motivation and working independently, there may be better choices than remote work.

After working remotely for about ten years, many people are simply not cut out for it. While I find contentment in solitude and being self-sufficient, many people lack the drive to complete tasks on time. I can't count the times when I had coworkers completely lose track of time, missing deadlines, or need to be constantly reminded of their responsibilities. They excelled in an office environment but found adjusting difficult after the pandemic forced them to work remotely.

Communication is essential to remote work via phone, email, or video chat. If you need help communicating effectively and maintaining effective relationships with your coworkers and clients, there may be better choices than remote work.

2. Can I set my schedule and structure my own time?

Working remotely often means having more flexibility in your schedule and being able to structure your own time. Remote work may be a better choice if you thrive on structure and prefer to follow a set routine.

Here's the thing. Your work schedule is still a work schedule. Whether you're working from home, an office, or the moon, no matter how flexible or loosely you're set up for remote work, you must figure out when and how much time is allocated for your job. Otherwise, your personal and work time will start to blend.

While it is tempting to work in pajamas on the couch (I was guilty of this, too!), you must still get dressed and set aside some time for work. After all, your productivity and mindset will both benefit from a more professional environment. This will also help you set a boundary between work and home, which can be immensely important when working remotely.

ELIZABETH ALARCON - BLOG POST QUOTES - 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply for a Remote Job - MAYA ANGELOU
“What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.” – Maya Angelou

3. Am I staying focused and avoiding distractions working from home?

Working remotely often means you are more or less on your own, and there may be more distractions in the house than at an office. If you need help maintaining focus and avoiding distractions, there may be better choices than remote work.

To be productive while working from home, you must have a dedicated workspace free of distractions. This is where noise-canceling headphones come in handy: they help you focus by blocking background noise. But how are you with checking text notifications, social media, or having the TV on while working? 

Setting a timer or blocking websites that distract you during certain times of day can help you stay focused and on task.  Working remotely can be fun and liberating, but it is important to stay disciplined. If you struggle with focus and concentration, remote work may not be the right fit.

4. Will I miss the social aspect of working in an office environment?

Working remotely often means you will spend less time interacting with others in person, and you may miss the social aspect of working in an office. If you thrive on workplace interactions and like the chance to socialize with your colleagues regularly, there may be better choices than remote work for you.

Remote work might not be the best fit for you if you need constant validation, can't stand being alone, and require daily human interaction. While you still may have some contact with people, it will be less effective or less in your face. 

There are still plenty of opportunities to connect with others from home. Many remote workers use video conferencing tools and virtual team meetings to stay in touch with their colleagues and clients.

If you're worried about feeling isolated or disconnected when working remotely, be proactive about staying social and connecting with others. This could mean joining an online community, attending virtual meetups, or even just going for a walk outside to do some people-watching!

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5. Do I have adequate technology and internet access at home? (It's a long but IMPORTANT section.)

Working remotely often means having access to reliable technology and a stable internet connection. If you don't have the necessary equipment or internet access at home, it can be difficult to do your job effectively in a remote setting.

You must research their requirements if you’re applying for a remote job at a company. Do they already have the necessary technology, or will you need to provide your equipment? Refrain from assuming they will provide everything for you. Make sure that all your bases are covered before diving in! Evaluate your current equipment situation and list what needs to be updated or upgraded.

A strong and consistent internet connection is key for any home office and computer equipment. Imagine disconnecting from an important meeting or having a technical issue with a presentation right when you're supposed to present! It happens. I want to help you avoid any surprises.

Here at home, we have fiber optic cable. Both my husband and I work in tech and constantly transfer a stupid amount of data.  We feel the drop in performance when using the net anywhere else. Let me tell you. Those are not fun times working remotely!

If you're not a content creator, chances are you haven't had to invest in important equipment like cameras, lighting, and sound. Believe it or not, this stuff matters. While your laptop camera may be sufficient, sometimes your onboard microphone isn't the best. Being visible on your Zoom calls is important, and sometimes the lighting in your room just doesn't cut it. Take control of the call, and don't be the coworker that looks like they are streaming from a dark room, with only the top of their heads visible.

My favorite that covers all three is Logitech Brio 4K Webcam.

If you're unsure whether your current tech setup is sufficient for remote work, trying remotely from a co-working space or the coffee shop down the street may be helpful. This will allow you to stress test the technology in question and see whether any issues need to be resolved before pursuing a remote career.

6. Do I have the necessary skills to succeed in a remote job?

Working remotely often requires certain technical skills, such as proficiency with email, video conferencing software, and project management tools. You need the necessary skills to succeed in a remote job to do your work effectively. Considering these questions, you can evaluate whether remote work is right for you and decide whether to apply for a remote job.

How well do you know your way around Slack? Can you navigate your CRM system with ease? Do you have the communication skills to work effectively with a virtual team? If you're unsure you have all the necessary skills for remote work, consider taking online courses or workshops on relevant topics like project management, time management, and communication.

Begin by assessing your abilities and those you will need to attain for working remotely.  If you're not sure you have the right skills for a remote job, don’t worry  – several resources can help you build the skills you need to succeed.

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7. Does the company offer the adequate support that I need?

Working remotely can be an extremely isolating experience, especially if you're working in a different time zone or on your own. When working from home, it is important to have the adequate support and resources you need.

Before taking on a remote job, it is essential to research the company and ensure that it offers the support you need. Is there regular team-building or social activities? Is a competent HR or recruitment department to assist with issues or concerns? Does the management have experience working with remote teams?

To succeed in a remote job, it is important to feel supported and connected to your team and the company. If the company does not offer the support you need, it may be a red flag and a sign that the remote job is not right for you.


If you're considering a remote career, it is important to evaluate your skills carefully and needs to determine whether remote work is right for you. Many factors can impact your success in a remote job, from tech requirements to support systems. Whether evaluating existing skills or building new ones, the key is carefully researching and preparing for the unique challenges that may come with remote work. With the right preparation and support, you can succeed in a remote job and enjoy the benefits this flexible and rewarding career path offers.



ELIZABETH ALARCON - PINTEREST - 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply for a Remote Job

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