ELIZABETH ALARCON - FEATURED IMAGE - Simplify Your Schedule Optimal Time Management for Conquering the Chaos

Simplify Your Schedule: Optimal Time Management for Conquering the Chaos

In today's fast-paced, deadline-driven professional world, managing time effectively is more than just a skill – it's necessary. As busy professionals, we often find our schedules packed to the brim, leaving us overwhelmed and stressed. Simplification is the key to navigating this sea of appointments, meetings, and tasks. This blog post will explore various time management strategies to help you pare down your schedule, prioritize your high-value tasks, and bring balance and control to your personal and professional life.

Understanding Your Schedule

Comparing Time Spent vs. Value Gained – Identifying time-consuming tasks that bring little value.

In time management, it’s crucial to understand that not all tasks are equal. Some tasks take up a significant chunk of your time but offer minimal value in return. Parsing out these tasks is a vital step in simplifying your schedule. It’s applying Pareto's principle, where 80% of the value you gain comes from 20% of your efforts. Identifying this 20% allows you to focus on tasks that generate the most benefits, thus conquering the chaos in your life.

To begin this process, start by examining your daily routine. Track your activities over a week or two, noting the time each task takes and the value it provides. Does a two-hour meeting bring as much value as spending the same time on a pivotal project for your business growth? Here are a few questions to guide your decision-making process:

  1. What is the real impact of the task on my work or personal life?
  2. Does this task align with my long-term goals?
  3. What would be the consequences if I delegated or eliminated this task?
  4. Does this task give me a sense of fulfillment or satisfaction?
  5. Am I the best person to perform this task, or could someone else do it more efficiently?

Reflect on these questions and separate ‘value-added' tasks from ‘non-value-added tasks. By honestly answering these questions, you'll be one step closer to simplifying your schedule and conquering the chaos in your professional life. The goal is not to do more but to do what matters most.

One thing to note: It’s not always about cutting out non-value-added tasks entirely. Some tasks, though they seem less valuable, may still be necessary. Although I can share what works for me, it may not resonate with you as it requires a deep understanding of your unique circumstances. So use the questions above as a starting point, but tailor them to match your own personal needs and working style.

ELIZABETH ALARCON - BLOG POST QUOTES - Simplify Your Schedule Optimal Time Management for Conquering the Chaos - RUPAUL
“Once you clear out from your consciousness things that no longer matter, you're able to make room for other things.” – RuPaul

Recognizing Your Time Suckers – Acknowledging habits or activities that consume more time than they should. **cough, cough** Netflix

Identifying your time suckers starts with self-awareness. We all have certain habits or activities that consume far more time than they should. These time suckers can range from constantly checking emails, and getting lost in social media, to spending excessive time on low-priority tasks. The first step is admitting these habits and understanding their impact on productivity. 

There are different strategies to curb these time suckers. One effective method is setting specific times to check email or social media rather than allowing these activities to interrupt your workflow throughout the day. You should be able to implement this one right away.

While there are apps that can help you manage your time more efficiently, I personally find that starting with establishing strict guidelines for yourself by first identifying specific times and lengths of time to complete certain tasks can make a huge difference. Not only will this help you focus on what matters most, but it can also help reduce stress and anxiety associated with feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list.

It also provides structure, enabling you to stay on track and maximize efficiency. This helps identify areas where time can be better utilized, streamlining the process and ultimately allowing you to bring balance into your professional life. That's code for: no more overworking yourself!

The Importance of Avoiding an Overbooked Schedule – Recognizing the pitfalls of cramming your day with activities. 

An overbooked schedule may initially seem like a sign of productivity, but it often leads to stress, decreased performance, and burnout. It's like trying to juggle too many balls at once; eventually, something has to give. The constant pressure to rush from one task to another, without any breathing space inhibits your ability to focus and perform at your best. Overbooking leaves little room for unexpected tasks or emergencies, making your schedule even more chaotic. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial in our journey to simplify our schedules and regain control of our lives.

To avoid overbooking, it's essential to understand your capacity and set realistic expectations. Pareto's principle applies here as well. Rather than overwhelming your day with a multitude of tasks, focus on the ones that hold the most value. Dedicate your prime time—the period when you're the most mentally alert and productive—to these high-value tasks. This approach ensures that your vital tasks receive the attention they deserve, increasing your efficiency and output quality.

Lastly, don't forget to schedule time for breaks and self-care. Contrary to popular belief, breaks aren't wasted time; they help to recharge your mental batteries, reducing stress and enhancing productivity. Furthermore, self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or pursuing a hobby can significantly improve your overall well-being, making you more resilient and better equipped to handle the demands of your professional life. Streamlining your schedule isn't about adding more tasks; it's about focusing on what truly matters, being effective and efficient. And remember, once you've created space, resist the urge to overload it with additional tasks.

Streamlining Your Schedule 

The Power of ‘No' – Learning to decline tasks and commitments that are not aligned with your priorities or do not contribute to your professional growth.

One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for streamlining your schedule and mastering the mayhem is the word ‘No.' Learning to say ‘No' to tasks that don't align with your priorities or contribute significantly to your professional or personal growth can be transformative. While it may seem difficult initially, remember that when you say ‘No' to one thing, you're saying ‘Yes' to something else that may be more beneficial or meaningful. 

When you decline a task or commitment, you free up time and resources that can be allocated to activities more aligned with your core objectives. This could be spending time on high-impact projects, refining your skills, or even just taking a breather to recharge. Every task you undertake is an investment of your precious time and energy, so it's imperative to ensure they yield worthwhile returns. Time is the one resource we can't get back once it's gone.

The ability to say ‘No' also enables you to set boundaries, promoting a healthy work-life balance. It's important to understand that saying ‘No' isn't a rejection of the person who made the request but merely declining a task that isn't a great fit for your current priorities. It's about asserting your value and recognizing the importance of your own needs and goals. 

Embrace the power of ‘No,' and you'll find yourself with a more focused, enriching, and manageable schedule.

By saying "Yes" to someone or something, you may inadvertently be saying "No" to yourself and your own aspirations. It's crucial to strike a balance between accommodating others and staying true to your own goals.

Reducing Decision Fatigue – Embracing Simplification and Routine to Conserve Mental Energy

Minimizing the number of decisions you make each day can be a powerful strategy for streamlining your schedule and restoring balance. Research shows that ‘decision fatigue'—the increasingly poor quality of decisions made in a day due to cognitive exhaustion—is real, and it negatively impacts our capacity for judgment and productivity.

Each decision, regardless of its size, expends valuable mental energy and contributes to decision fatigue. By reducing the amount of unimportant decisions we make daily, we can reserve our cognitive resources for more significant, value-adding tasks.

The easiest way to reduce decision fatigue is through habit-forming and embrace routine. Rather than reinventing the wheel every day, establish specific processes for certain activities that you can repeat and rely on. This eliminates the need to agonize over decisions and helps maximize efficiency. I personally find it helpful to create a morning and evening routine, which sets the tone for my entire day and are the bookends to my life. Having these routines also helps free up mental energy, allowing me to remain focused and productive throughout the day.

Another way to reduce decision fatigue is through simplification; this could be anything from simplifying your wardrobe by having fewer clothing items or streamlining your inbox by unsubscribing from non-essential emails. If there are certain activities that are not high-value tasks or aligned with your objectives, consider reducing the amount of time spent on them or dropping them altogether.

Eliminate Decision Fatigue – Activities to Remove from Your Routine Today.

  1. Constant Email Checking: Rather than constantly checking your inbox throughout the day, set specific times dedicated to email responses. This will prevent emails from interrupting your focus and workflow.
  2. Social Media Surfing: Limit the time spent aimlessly scrolling through social media feeds. These platforms can be a serious time-drain and lead to unnecessary decisions about what to like, share, or comment on. 
  3. Multi-tasking: Attempting to handle multiple tasks simultaneously can lead to decision overload. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it's complete, then move on to the next. Because we all know multitasking is impossible.
  4. Over-scheduling: Avoid cramming too many activities into one day. It's better to finish fewer tasks well than to do a mediocre job at many. I learned this from Scott Smith at MotivationtoMove.com, “Do not schedule more than 50% of your day.” He's so right.
  5. Impromptu Meetings: Whenever possible, replace on-the-spot meetings with scheduled ones to avoid abrupt decisions and use your time more effectively. Most meetings can be emails. Emails that you check at the specific times you reserved for emails. 
  6. Excessive Options: Whether it's what to wear or what to eat, which app to use or which route to take, try to limit the number of decisions you make each day. We all have our favorite breakfast spot, pencil dress, app and route; why not embrace them? having too many options can be exhausting. Simplify your choices whenever possible.
  7. Frequent Switching Between Computer Tabs and Apps: Keep your computer desktop clutter-free and avoid incessant swapping between tabs and applications. This will lead to less distraction and decisions about what to focus on.
  8. Unnecessary Errands: Try to group errands into one or two trips instead of running out every time something needs to be done. If you work from home, you know exactly what I'm talking about. 
  9. Let go of ANYTHING that no longer brings value to your life: I'm serious. Imagine your weapon of choice. Wield that sucker with determination to streamline the aspects of your life that breed disorder and zap your vitality. Embrace this transformative process as you carve out a more straightforward path toward serenity and renewed energy.
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Why You Need to Slow Down and Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Business Owners – A Guide To Enjoying Your Journey and Embracing Your Own Pace

Developing a Productive and Flexible Schedule That Works For YOU

Understanding Your Unique Rhythm and Priorities

We are all unique, each with our own rhythm and flow of energy throughout the day. Some of us are ‘morning larks,' hitting peak productivity at the crack of dawn, while others are ‘night owls,' doing their best work when the sun goes down. That's why understanding your unique rhythm, when you are naturally the most focused and energetic, is the first step to creating a productive and flexible schedule that works for you. Knowing your peak productivity periods allows you to align important tasks with these hours, maximizing efficiency and output. 

Similarly, understanding your priorities is as crucial. There's a difference between being busy and being productive. Just because your schedule is packed doesn't mean you're working towards your goals effectively. That's why you should not only list out your tasks but also rank them based on their importance and urgency. After you've decided that they are a high value tasks of course. This hierarchy of tasks then serves as a roadmap.

Identifying Your Productive Hours: Understand the time of day when you are most alert and focused.

To identify your most productive hours, you need to tune into your body's natural rhythms. Pay attention to when you're the most energized and alert. For some people, this may be in the morning, afternoon or evening (night); however, it's important to remember that these times can differ from person to person, so it's crucial to pinpoint your own unique cycle. 

Take a week or two to track your energy levels and mood at different times of the day. You can do this by jotting down notes or even rating your energy on a scale of 1 to 10. Over time, you'll begin to see patterns emerge. Do you notice a burst of energy first thing in the morning? Or perhaps you hit your stride in the late afternoon? These high-energy times are your body's peak productivity periods. 

Once you've identified your productivity peaks, align your most important tasks with these time slots. Tackle difficult, high-value tasks when you're at your peak, and reserve low-energy periods for more mundane tasks. This simple strategy can help make your day more productive and less chaotic.

Harnessing Your Personal Power Days: Intentional Scheduling for Optimal Performance

Harnessing your personal power days is another effective strategy for creating a productive and flexible schedule that works for you. It's easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of everyday life, but taking the time to prioritize yourself can pay dividends in terms of energy and clarity. Decide which days are reserved for ‘personal projects' or even complete rest, and use that time to recharge your battery. 

By the time Thursday rolls around, my body and brain are spent. Thursdays are used for planning, goal setting and brain storming. That means no big decisions, and definitely no emails or answering inquiries. Fridays are the time to wrap up loose ends, but nothing major. Saturdays, I'm a ghost. Sundays, I take a glance at my planner which lets me know what I need to do first thing Monday morning. 

I'm aware that my body has a limited amount of energy to give each day; so I use it wisely and intentionally. Each week can change, depending on the demands of life; but taking intentional breaks is a must for me. Staying in tune with my energy and checking in with myself, really helps me stay on track with my goals and cultivate a life I love.

Reviewing and Adjusting Your Schedule: Re-evaluating Your Time Management Plan

It's important to stay flexible and open to change when developing a productive schedule. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes plans can go awry without warning. That's why it's essential to stay agile and adjust your schedule whenever necessary. Once you have a schedule in place, it's important to review and adjust as needed. Over time, your tasks, goals, and priorities may change; be sure to revisit your plan on a regular basis. You should also take into account any outside factors that could affect your daily routine (e.g., family obligations or changing work hours).

Regular Reviews: Periodically analyze your schedule to see if it's working for you and meeting your personal and professional needs.

Regular reviews are a key component of a flexible and efficient time management system. These are not just cursory glances at your calendar; they are in-depth analyses of your schedule designed to assess whether it aligns with your personal and professional goals. To conduct a regular review, set aside time each week or month to thoroughly evaluate your schedule. Look at each task and activity, and ask yourself: “Is this STILL contributing to my goals? Is this STILL the best use of my time?” 

Be honest with your responses. If a task or activity isn't serving you, consider eliminating it or delegating it to someone else. Understand that it's okay, and often necessary, to let go of tasks that no longer serve your greater purpose. Regular reviews enable you to adapt your schedule as your priorities change, keeping you on the path towards your ultimate goals.

Making Adjustments: Don't be afraid to tweak your schedule based on what you learn from your reviews. Remember, your schedule should serve you, not the other way around.

Making adjustments to your schedule based on the insights you gain from your regular reviews is an essential part of effective time management. When reviewing your schedule, you may find that certain tasks are taking up too much of your time, or perhaps there are activities that you initially thought were important but no longer serve your current goals. If this is the case, don't hesitate to make changes. 

Your schedule is not a set-in-stone document, but rather a dynamic tool designed to help you make the most of your time and energy. You should feel free to tweak, shift, or even overhaul it as necessary to ensure it’s serving your needs and helping you progress towards your goals. 

For instance, if you're consistently unable to complete a task within the allotted time, you may need to either allocate more time to it or break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. If a task no longer aligns with your priorities, don't be afraid to remove it from your schedule altogether. 

Your schedule should be a reflection of your priorities, not a tyrant that dictates your life. By staying flexible and willing to make adjustments, you can ensure that your schedule remains a beneficial tool. Remember, you are the one in control.

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Managing Expectations: It's important to communicate changes in your routine with family and colleagues. Negotiate deadlines, establish clear expectations, and create systems that work for everyone involved.

Managing expectations is a critical component of a smooth and effective time management strategy. It's not just about planning your time well, but also about communicating your plans effectively with those around you. When you make changes to your routine, it's essential that you communicate these changes with your family and colleagues so they can adjust their expectations accordingly. 

For example, if you've decided to block off certain hours for focused work, let your colleagues know so they can plan their interactions with you around your schedule. Similarly, if you're changing your at-home working hours, communicate this to your family so they understand when you will be available for family time and when you'll be working. 

Negotiate deadlines where possible, ensuring you have enough time to complete tasks without feeling rushed. Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page, reducing stress and frustration. 

Lastly, create systems that work for everyone involved. This could mean using shared calendars or task management apps to keep everyone updated about what you're working on and when you'll be available. When everyone knows what to expect, it's easier to keep things running smoothly.


The journey to simplifying your schedule lies in understanding that your schedule is a living, evolving entity that should serve your needs rather than control your life. By dedicating time for regular reviews and making adjustments where necessary, you create a flexible system that adapts to your ever-changing priorities and goals. Embrace the power of Pareto's Principle, focusing on the tasks that provide the greatest impact. Don't be afraid to eliminate, delegate, or rearrange tasks as required. 

Communication, too, holds a significant place in the equation. Keep your family and colleagues in the loop about changes in your routine to ensure a harmonious balance between personal and professional life. By managing expectations, you alleviate undue stress, paving the way for a more efficient and balanced life. Remember, your schedule is a tool to facilitate your lifestyle, not a barrier to living it. 

Go forth and seize the day!



ELIZABETH ALARCON - PINTEREST - Simplify Your Schedule Optimal Time Management for Conquering the Chaos

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