Discipline Your Way to Success: How to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions Without Relying on Motivation

Like most people, you might have started the New Year with hopes for a more successful and fulfilling life. You set your goals and resolutions high—but if we’re being honest, they are almost always unattainable without discipline. Simply put, motivation may get you through the first few weeks of January, but when it's gone – so is your commitment to achieving those much-wanted fresh new starts. 

Stop relying on inspiration-infused pep talks from motivational posters or doodles in self-help books. The truth is that what's needed to make sustainable changes over time…is DISCIPLINE! In this blog post, I'll show you how an attitude of intentional focus can be the best tool for making sure 2024 (and all years beyond) won’t merely pass by… but will be used as prime times to please yourself by accomplishing your big hairy audacious goals. So grab a cup of coffee (or hot tea!), and let´s get ready to make some serious strides toward real success.

Discipline: The Tool for Sustainable Change 

Success in personal goals is not a matter of luck or innate talent; it's a product of discipline. Whether your aspirations include physical fitness, acquiring a new skill, or world exploration, the real game-changer in your journey is discipline.

Discipline is a daily habit that requires dedication and hard work. It's a steady boat in the turbulent ocean of life's challenges. And many remarkable achievers, from Olympic athletes to business moguls, have accomplished extraordinary feats by relying on discipline alone.

At its core, discipline is about understanding yourself and knowing what works best for you. It requires you to set realistic goals that are in sync with your core values, break them down into achievable steps, and focus on the most important tasks each day.

Discipline is invaluable in helping you stay focused and motivated while building your capacity to achieve success. It can also help you resist the temptation of procrastination and bad habits, allowing you to make meaningful progress towards your objectives.

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The idea of discipline as the key and starting point to achieving personal goals.

Discipline is the key to unlocking those hard-to-reach goals, and it's not as tough as you think. At its core, discipline is about controlling your behavior in a way that helps you achieve what you want out of life. It requires you to take conscious steps toward success while allowing yourself flexibility. While it may require some initial effort to form a habit and more work to sustain it, the reward of discipline is worth the extra effort.

Five steps for developing a disciplined approach to achieving your goals.

  1. Define the desired outcome.
  2. Create a timeline with milestones.
  3. Identify the habits necessary to get there.
  4. Commit to consistent action.
  5. Revise and refine your approach.

Define the Desired Outcome

The first step in your journey is to clearly articulate what you want to achieve – your desired outcome. This is your North Star, your guiding light that will keep you on track even when the path is murky. Write it down in a place where you can see it every day. It could be something as simple as a sticky note on your fridge or a reminder on your mirror. But remember, your goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This framework will help you create a well-defined goal that can be easily understood and pursued.

Imagine the end result – the ultimate goal you want to achieve. This should be specific and measurable, not vague or abstract. For example, instead of saying, “I want to be healthy,” be more precise: “I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months.” Setting a clear, defined goal gives you a target to aim for, a finish line to cross.

Don't hesitate to dream big, but also remember to be practical and consider your resources and constraints. Your goal should be challenging enough to stretch you but not so ambitious that it overwhelms you. Consistently review your progress, celebrate your achievements, and revise your goal if necessary. This process will keep you engaged and motivated to continue your journey towards success.

Create a Timeline with Milestones

Once you have a clear idea of your goal, the next step is to create a roadmap to get there. This involves breaking down your big goal into manageable milestones and arranging them in a timeline. This gives you a clear vision of your path, helps you maintain your focus, and makes the goal seem more attainable. Each milestone should be a significant advancement towards your goal. Think of them as checkpoints along your journey which will make your ultimate goal seem less daunting and more achievable. For instance, if your goal is to read 12 books in a year, set a milestone to finish one book each month. 

Start by writing down the major steps needed to achieve your goal, then further break down each step into smaller tasks. Each completed task will bring you closer to your milestone and ultimately, your goal. Every time you reach a milestone, celebrate it. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, boosting your confidence and motivation to continue. Remember, it's not about how fast you reach your goal; it's about the journey and the person you become along the way.

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Identify the Habits Necessary to Get There

Now that you've set your goal and mapped out your journey, the next step is to identify the habits that will help you get there. These are the daily actions that will lead to the achievement of your goal. They might be as simple as reading for thirty minutes a day, waking up early, or practicing a new skill. The key here is consistency. These small actions, done consistently, will compound over time and lead to significant results.

Begin by identifying the habits that align with your goal. Write them down and make a commitment to incorporate them into your daily schedule. You may need to replace some of your existing habits with new, more productive ones. This may be challenging at first, but remember, the goal is not perfection, but progress. Every day that you carry out your identified habits brings you one step closer to your goal.

Commit to Consistent Action

Commitment is the heart of discipline. Once you've identified the necessary habits, the next step is to commit to consistent action. This is where the rubber meets the road, and the real work begins. Consistent action, regardless of how you feel, is what separates dreamers from achievers.

Identifying the habits that will help you achieve your milestones and eventually, your ultimate goal, is crucial. If you want to lose 10 pounds, for example, your habits might include daily exercise or eating a balanced diet. It is essential to understand that new habits take time to form, so be patient with yourself. Start small, and as the habit becomes part of your routine, gradually build on it.

Create a daily routine that incorporates your goal-oriented habits. You might have to wake up early or forgo some leisure activities. Remember, these sacrifices are part of the process and a testament to your commitment. Hold yourself accountable and remember, it's okay to falter sometimes. The important thing is to get back up and keep moving forward. This relentless commitment to action is what will drive you towards your goal.

Revise and Refine Your Approach

Finally, remember that discipline is not about rigidly sticking to a plan. It's about understanding that plans may need to change as circumstances change. As you move towards your goal, constantly revise and refine your approach. This iterative process helps you adjust your tactics based on what works best for you.

If something isn’t working or if you hit a roadblock, don’t be afraid to reassess and adjust your strategy. Discipline doesn't mean being inflexible; it means being committed to your goal and flexible in your approach. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep striving for your success.

Maintain a journal to track your progress and reflect on your experiences. This can help you identify what's working and what's not, enabling you to make necessary alterations in your plan. Remember, the goal is to be better today than you were yesterday. By refining your approach, you will continue to make progress towards your goal, no matter how small the steps may seem.

ELIZABETH ALARCON - BLOG POST QUOTES - Discipline Your Way to Success How to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions Without Relying on Motivation - SCOTT SMITH
“You're human. Your brain isn't wired to stay motivated constantly unless you are willing to give it a helping hand.” – Scott Smith

Three Tasks a Day Keeps The Anxiety Monster Away 

One of the key strategies to ‘discipline your way to success' and keep your motivation levels in check is to limit your daily tasks to three essential items. This approach not only helps to keep your focus sharp but also serves as an effective buffer against the uncertainties and interruptions that life often throws in our way. By focusing on accomplishing three main tasks each day, you set yourself up for a manageable, productive, and fulfilling day, without feeling overwhelmed or losing sight of your end goal.

While it might seem counterintuitive to limit yourself to only three tasks a day, this approach indeed serves as a buffer against life's uncertainties. Unplanned interruptions, emergencies, or simply needing a break – life is unpredictable, and this strategy allows you to be more flexible and adaptable. 

By focusing on three main tasks, you ensure that you're consistently making progress towards your goal, but without the pressure of a lengthy to-do list. If you manage to complete your tasks earlier in the day, consider it as a bonus and time to recharge or, if you're feeling up to it, to get a head start on the next day's tasks. It's about progress, not perfection. Remember, ‘discipline your way to success' is a journey, and each completed task, no matter how small, brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal.

De La Soul was right, “Three that's the magic number.”

Discipline vs Motivation: The Yin-Yang Twins of Productivity

Discipline and motivation are often seen as opposing forces, but they are more accurately described as two sides of the same coin, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. Motivation is the spark that ignites the fire of desire—it's the internal drive that gets us started on a task or project. It's powerful and can lead to bursts of productivity, but it's also fickle, fluctuating based on our mood, environment, and other external factors. On the other hand, discipline is the structure that keeps the fire burning long after the initial spark of motivation has faded. It's consistent, reliable, and independent of external circumstances.

While motivation can be an excellent initiator, it's discipline that often pulls us across the finish line. Discipline is the commitment to persist with a task or goal, regardless of our emotional state. It's about taking consistent action, not because we necessarily feel like it, but because we are committed to the outcome. This is the ‘dream plan execute' philosophy in practice. Without discipline, we are at the mercy of our fluctuating feelings. With it, we become masters of our own destiny.

But it's not about discarding motivation in favor of discipline. Rather, it's about understanding how these two elements work together. Think of discipline as the engine of your productivity vehicle and motivation as the fuel. Motivation provides the energy to get moving, but it's discipline that ensures you keep going, even when the road gets tough or the destination seems far away. So, in essence, ‘discipline your way to success' is about harnessing the power of both motivation and discipline—using the energy of motivation to get started and the consistency of discipline to keep going and achieve your goals.


The journey towards realizing your New Year resolutions and achieving success begins with a dream, necessitates a plan, and is realized through execution. It is not about relying on ephemeral motivation alone, but it's about cultivating a discipline that persists even when motivation wanes. It's about understanding that success is not a one-time event but a series of small, consistent actions—actions that are result-oriented, even if the results seem insignificant in the moment. Be it limiting your tasks to three a day or continuously refining your approach, remember that it's these small steps, taken one day at a time, that add up to significant change.

As we step into the new year, let's embrace the power of discipline. Let's dream big, plan strategically, and execute relentlessly. Regardless of the obstacles that may come our way, remember that with discipline, we can navigate them effectively and keep moving forward. After all, success is not always about achieving the goal; it's also about the journey—the journey of growth, resilience, and unwavering dedication. Here's to a year filled with progress, learning, and the joy of achieving our dreams. Let's make this year our best year yet!



ELIZABETH ALARCON - PINTEREST - Discipline Your Way to Success How to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions Without Relying on Motivation

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